Community outreach and support are important components of our programs. We have supported a number of initiatives in the past, including a non-perishable food drive and a personal care item drive to help stock Mary's Pantry in the Department of Sociology at Appalachian State University. We also collected personal hygiene items to donate on campus and to provide to local middle and high schools to mitigate period poverty. We routinely partner with local sponsor agencies on community events and health fairs, and also host the following annual community projects.
Project Star
Project Star is a yearly initiative of Appalachian Senior Programs that brings Ashe county together to provide necessities for seniors around the holiday season. Local agencies submit names of senior citizens that require assistance to the program. Anonymous star ornaments are created for each senior with a list of items they may need such as blankets, winter clothing, toiletries, and food items. These stars are then displayed on Christmas trees in various businesses throughout the county. Ashe County citizens can then choose a star, purchase the listed items, and return them to the Appalachian Senior Programs office. The agencies then distribute these gifts to the senior citizens for the holiday season. Often, these gifts represent the only presents these seniors will receive for the holidays. Appalachian Senior Programs also accept monetary donations, which are utilized to assist seniors with essential expenses like fuel or electric bills.
In 2023, Appalachian Senior Programs provided 225 gifts to seniors in the community. In addition, 20 electric bills were paid, providing heat and power for 26 people over the holidays. Blue Ridge Energy also donated 100 food boxes to seniors in need. In total, Appalachian Senior Programs raised over 6000 dollars in gifts and donations for older adults in Ashe County.
Day of Service Drives
Appalachian Senior Programs holds an annual Day of Service drive to assist underserved individuals in our communities. In 2024, the senior programs held two separate drives.
The Foster Grandparent Program organized a winter clothing drive to assist unhoused individuals in Ashe, Alleghany, and Wilkes counties. Our generous Foster Grandparent volunteers gathered 246 pairs of socks, 68 pairs of gloves, 24 blankets, 77 toboggans, and 36 scarves, all of which helped provide essential warmth and comfort to those who were unhoused during the winter season.
The Senior Companion Program organized a winter clothing and food drive for unhoused individuals in Ashe, Alleghany, Watauga, and Wilkes counties. The Senior Companions generously donated 287 nonperishable food items, 40 pairs of gloves, 30 toboggans, 41 pairs of socks, 9 blankets, and 8 scarves. These items helped provide nourishment and essential warmth to those who were unhoused during the winter months.